Friday, 24 July 2015

"Be Patient" - Nation under development.

India is one of the fastest developing countries in the world. But you can see the fact that the speed of the development is not as good when compared to the other countries that are already developed and that are much superior to India. There are many reasons behind the lack in the development criteria of India. Most of the people realize that India is very slow in development but they don't focus on what to be done in order to make India a developed country. There are many issues in our country that are preventing India from becoming the developed nation.

For now,let's keep aside all the global issues and all the highlighted local issues.Let's forget about the growth in industrial sector, forget about the economy, forget about the technological growth. I want to address a very basic issue that is not allowing us to develop as a nation.

I was inspired to think and write about this, by one of the most inspiring personalities and innate speaker, Mr. Charanpreet Singh(Associate Dean Praxis Busniess School and former Country Manager of HP).

Let me start with a very common day to day situation. You are late for work, sitting in your car, the traffic is heavy. In a car next to you, a man is thumping on his steering wheel almost turning blue. If you really study him, it looks quite funny. He tries his best to disturb himself and his anger and frustration take control of him. He abuses everyone he is looking at. then he sees a small opening and forces his way through that.Due to this, the traffic which was already starting to make way is again jammed by this activity. Then you start wondering Where is he trying to rush off to? and Why? 

After I thought about this situation I came with this answer.…Because he is good-for-nothing.

This person’s impatience stems from his belief that he is a good-for-nothing; hence, he’s always in a rush to do more and be more in a bid to prove his ability. This is the case with most of the individuals in this country. They always want to prove something. they always think to contradict rather than appreciate and this I think leads to impatience.If you had patience in this case, you would sit back and just wait for the traffic to move, no doubt making use of your time spent waiting in the car thinking about what you have to say for the meeting you're due at that morning, or perhaps you just sit back, listen to music and wait happily till the traffic improves. This is just one incident. There are countless incidents that we can list in our day to day life. 

"Patience" ! This is the eight letter word that is on the verge of being obsolete in this country. No one in this country wants to wait. They are all in hurry to get somewhere , to prove something. But the question is "At the cost of what ?". Quoting Charanpreet Sir "India would be on the path of development if all the citizens of the country become patient".  It is true.
Patience brings out respect, and unless we wont respect each other we will never develop as a nation.

The system has programmed us to believe that patience is against success, and material success is necessary for a good life. “Why is this so slow?”, “Why can’t this be faster?” or “What’s next?” are generally the questions asked.

I will ask you one more interesting question. Just think about it and retrospect.

How many of you will prefer 10 videos of 5 minutes over a long video of 50 minutes?
I don't want to get into which approach is right or wrong, but the point I want to make is "How many of you are ready for a long video and will be able to concentrate ?".

Patience is often something that needs to be taught to us in our childhood, along with the lesson of sharing. Watch any young child and if left to its own devices and its own will, it will be a selfish child. I want that and I want it right now. So teaching a child to share its toys is also the start of teaching that child patience. Unfortunately this does not seem to be done so much these days. I believe that we are all born selfish by nature, down to natural instincts and actual survival, so of course its important that we learn. 

For some its easy to learn, for others especially those not correct when a child, then they become impatient adults, not getting their own way instantly, or not getting an answer straight away will literally send them into a raging temper. Until others point it out to them and make them wait their turn, they will not even learn patience when fully adult. Having patience is good in many ways, and that is why its important. On any scale in life patience plays a part. Be it waiting for that hopefully expected new job from a company we want to work for, or any other situation.
One important point I want to address in this article is How does one change from being an impatient person, to a naturally patient one?

The first thing is to realize that patience, like other traits you have, is simply the amalgamation of your underlying beliefs, which are the result of your upbringing or past encounters. This means that you’re not impatient because “that’s just how you are” or “that’s what you were born with”. You are impatient because of certain beliefs you have about yourself and the world.  I want to state a cause of why are we impatient and how could we tackle it.

So, what causes impatience then?

An impatient person never wants to wait for others, or does so with great reluctance. An impatient person feels angsty when things do not go to plan. An impatient person usually feels a great sense of urgency to get things over with and to move on to the next thing, the next task, the next place, the next stop. He/she usually has little regard or interest to what’s going on at this moment in time, because in his/her mind, he/she is already thinking about what he/she has to do next.

The impatient person is someone who often feels a great deal of urgency, internal pressure, and internal stress. It’s as if he/she is trying to rush to somewhere, or has something that needs to be completed ASAP.
But why? Why does the impatient person feel so much urgency, more so than others? What’s causing it? What exactly is this rush for?“Why are we always in such a rush?”

It is because,we have always have a subconscious belief that we are not good enough.We always think about changing our-self, achieving bigger visions, and accomplishing more goals. Hence, we keep projecting to the future, using it as our source of salvation.
Does it work though? May be. But, whenever we achieve our goals, we feel happy for that moment. However, it is just a matter of time before we think, “What’s next?”, and get back into that impatient persona. We are constantly in a rush, trying to get from one place (be it a mental vision or a physical place) to another. We do this just to be finally happy one day.

Do you see the problem here?  The problem is not  that we have not achieved our ultimate end goal yet. There is never going to be an end our my goals or visions, because there is always room to grow, be better. The problem is not about our desire to set goals either as, the desire for betterment is part and parcel of being a human. There is nothing worse than being a man who has no vision or dreams.

The problem here is (a) our inherent unhappiness with ourselves and (b) our belief that we should be  considered good enough. It is this flawed belief that creates endless urge to always hurry, act faster, stop being a slow poke, and get moving, so we could get on to the next big thing.

This is precisely why almost every single thing gets on our nerves.Each little thing—be it the bus being late, to the copier machine being jammed—would be something that stands in our way of achieving our end vision, which in turn stands in  the way of becoming a more desirable, less hateable, person.

Thinking about being less hateble person and more desirable makes you hate yourself more. 

The resolution to this is addressing self limiting belief about yourself .Stop giving utter importance to consequence and stop hating yourselves for unnecessary reasons. When you do that, the feelings of impatience will melt away like water rolling off skin.

The cause of your impatience might not be the same as the cause of your stated in this article. While it’s natural to look forward to the future and want to achieve your goals as soon as possible, there is definitely something amiss when this desire repeatedly manifests itself as a constant feeling of impatience, a source of self-pressure (in an unhealthy way), and an annoyance at things that stand in your way.Know that one can desire to achieve a better future and still be at peace with the present moment. They are not mutually exclusive with each other.

I hope you find this post helpful in cultivating the virtue of patience. Know that patience is already inside you; you don’t have to intentionally enforce it on yourself. What you should do, to become a truly patient person in the mind, heart, body, and soul, is to address the broken beliefs that are making you impatient (which is what the whole article has been about). When you do that, patience will become an effortless virtue. If you need your nation to develop, this virtue is mandatory quality you should posses.

Your nation has given you an identity. Lets pay back by giving your nation one!

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